Read, read, read

I’ve written a lot about the importance of writing on a daily basis. That writing, like playing an instrument or a sport, needs daily practice.

What is just as important is reading other peoples’ writing. Just like going to a terrific concert or watching a professional game is essential to one’s improvement, so is reading essential to writing. It helps with flow, vocabulary, flexibility, and inspiration.

I read much too fast, too furiously, too much. This month I’ve decided to slow down and enjoy paragraphs, sentences, and phrases, rather than getting caught up and carried away in a good story. I decided to pick up Anthony Trollope again, because I love his writing style, enjoy his story-telling, and he makes me laugh.

Trollope, by the way, was a post office worker back in Queen Victoria’s day. He wrote every morning from 5.30 and 8.30; and averaged 3,000 words in those three hours. Without a word processor.

So – this week’s Fun Writing Practice: pick up a book and read it with attention and pleasure. I’m going for Can You Forgive Her? since that was the very first Trollope I ever read, about thirty years ago. What did you choose?

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