Happiness 12-31
dancing with delight; knowing that spring is only three months away; 100 wild parrots in the rain.
dancing with delight; knowing that spring is only three months away; 100 wild parrots in the rain.
a small favor; snow falling in the desert; murmuring loving words.
hearing the rain on your roof after a long drought; the purple thistle; empathy.
gathering fresh mushrooms in the woods; a pikake lei; a hard hug from an old friend.
a crowd collecting to watch a mime; Waikiki at Christmas; the brilliance of sunshine on the bay.
playing the violin on the beach; great generosity; Mount Kailash in the spring.
climbing to the top of the lighthouse; wine grapes coated in chocolate; the gathering.
WriteSpa – An Oasis for Writers
When you make a wish, where does that wish really come from? Where does it go?
Imagine that you really did find that magic lamp, or the talking flounder, or a mysterious ring … and you were able to wish for whatever you wanted. What would it be?
You might begin with the desire for something personal and important to you in the moment. A new car, or a good job, perhaps.
Then you mull and mull, perhaps you sleep with the lamp under your pillow … and you wake up reflecting on the fact that […]
reading poetry under the pomegranate tree; moonlight sparkles on snow; dancing till dawn.
sliding down a very wet rainbow and the colors sticking to you; polishing the mirror; quiet.
planting an idea; walking across the Brooklyn Bridge; Remembrance of Things Past
on the back of a winged horse; finding gold ingots in the attic; an opportunity for growth.
spelunking in the Florida keys; your legs tangled with your lover’s; helping someone up the ladder.
lying in the tall bracken and gazing at the stars; locavores; Charles Dickens.
sitting in a Greek amphitheatre; completing the assignment; peace in the valley.
giraffes being born on the African plains; lying in the shade of a mesa; a stranger on a plane.
laying out the cards in a Celtic cross; engrossed in a conversation; a red cardinal in a snowy tree.
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crimson and vermilion swirling in the sky; honor; swinging on the gate.
lighting candles in early morning; determination; starfish swimming.
wild horses galloping across the plain; intense camaraderie; pear trees in bloom and partridges nesting.
aprés ski; the moment just before the kiss; drinking hot apple cider while standing around in the snow.