*warm cup of chai in my hand and the steam fogging my vision for a moment
*my daughter singing as she does homework
*the messy order of my workspace strewn with piles of beckoning projects
*setting my knitting to rights and seeing 12 rows of well placed stitches
*melted cheese on crackers
*fungal growth on a tree stump that looked like sorbet colors against the punky wood
*dog skulking ahead having rolled in something stinky
*feeling of ticks all over me, every tickle is a tick. Maybe.
*warm cup of chai in my hand and the steam fogging my vision for a moment
*my daughter singing as she does homework
*the messy order of my workspace strewn with piles of beckoning projects
*setting my knitting to rights and seeing 12 rows of well placed stitches
*melted cheese on crackers
*fungal growth on a tree stump that looked like sorbet colors against the punky wood
*dog skulking ahead having rolled in something stinky
*feeling of ticks all over me, every tickle is a tick. Maybe.
Love, S