Last night I couldn’t sleep. My room was filled a silvery glow, the fragrance of wild roses, the sound of the crickets, and an owl kept hooting. The sun hardly set before it rose again. It all seemed too enchanting to miss.
But mostly I couldn’t sleep because I was reading John Locke’s book on “How I Sold A Million EBooks in 5 Months” and I couldn’t put it down.
I met John a year and a half ago – he wanted editorial advice on a book he was about to self-publish. We had encountered each other during what now feels like the Golden Age of Twitter: I met people who changed my life forever. I know it might seem strange to you, if you weren’t there – but those of us who were there know just what I mean.
Well, John sent me his first book, Lethal People, and from the first few pages I was hooked. This man – for all his humility about his writing skills – CAN WRITE. I challenge you to read that prologue and tell me you don’t agree that John is one hell of a terrific writer.
He appreciated my encouragement and asked me to be his editor. In return, he became my mentor.
I always thought that my ideal mentor would be someone who would help me grow my own writing skills. But my mentor came to me as a human being who showed me that I was in control of my destiny, that I could have the success I wanted, that I was already capable, that I could move forward toward my dream.
John mentored me into one of the most thrilling phases of my life: self-publishing my novels. After decades of frustratingly buzzing against a windowpane (in spite of agents, ‘successful’ mainstream publication, classic NYC publishing lunches, etc.), the window’s been thrown open and I am free.
John freed me.
He’s never let me down. He answers any questions I have. He inspires, advises, gives clear direction, and makes my whole heart smile.
Now, by reading John’s book, he can become your mentor too. And I assure you – you couldn’t be luckier to have him as one.
I know that John as an “Indie Author” not only forged the “New Frontier of Self Publishing” but “Seized the Frontier” and is such an example to all of us in our respective places in life.
I also know that our friend John Locke has reaped the benefit of your superb editing gift. Both of you have blessed each other’s lives in many ways.
Both of You have impacted my life with your encouragement of my designs which has enabled me to continue moving forward for that I am grateful :).
The “Golden Age of Twitter” as you mentioned in your post was truly a magical time for “us”.
John & I exchanged emails yesterday and it seems we all hold the same sentiments for one another
You, John, Claudia, Steve, Claude,Joanne, Luke, Michael and Dorinda to name just a few have Blessed my life in so many ways.
I look forward to being in everyone’s presence to give actual hugs and enjoy the sunshine of your smiles for jobs well done.
Kathy D
What a great mentor to have! I bought his book yesterday and similarly, could not put it down until I finished it. I’m so excited to put his tactics into practice.
Great post as well :).
I went to your site: and browsed with interest! What a lot of information and helpful ideas for writers. Thanks for commenting, Bryan. Let’s keep in touch.
Time for another tweet-up!
Thanks Winslow! I definitely will.
Yes……. Time for another Tweet Up!
I will bring the Roses
and a hug for all.
Lets get this going!
Winslow, such a wonderful sentiment. Thank you! I, too, remember all those email chats and tweets with great fondness. You have always believed in me, right from the start, and I will never forget that. Your support, as well as your editing, has made me a better person and a better writer.
Winslow, thanks for sharing John – it’s been a long time since I’ve been an avid fan of anyone – I’m proud to be a John Locke fan. Last night I blogged about John’s book, How I Sold 1 Million… – I didn’t tweet the post yet within minutes people found it and for the first time ever they left comments – John has built quite a following and he’s done it because he’s the real deal – Bert
Bert – I just read your post and agree thoroughly. Having existed for years in the mainstream publishing world, this new era is like a breath of fresh air, or pioneering the wild west, or heading out on a thrilling expedition… I’ll always be grateful to John Locke for opening my eyes to these marvelous possibilities in life! His “How I Sold 1 Million…” is such a gift.
Winslow, I just finished reading John Locke’s book How I Sold A Milli0n…. and it was SO inspirational. Like many of the rest of us I’ve been marketing the same old way. John shows a step-by-step linear diagram of how to make this Indie publishing thing work. I’m taking his advice seriously and am already upgrading my website. I believe we will find that John’s book will help more people than he ever imagined. Thanks, John.
Yes – I agree. He’s like one of those wild west pioneers, adventuring onwards. But the reason we’re intrigued is that we’re like that too! All adventurers! Thanks for commenting.
Just read john’s book and as an author with 6 published books – 2 of them bestsellers – and a digital publishing company I am INSPIRED! And will bring out my old books which are out print in eformat immediately! Thanks John!
Inspiration is a good thing – what I love about John’s book is that it’s not relevant just for authors, but for any entrepreneur. Your digital publishing co. already looks fine though! I enjoyed perusing your site.