Stillness 3-2

be what lights up the room. 














A chandelier is not merely a light bulb powered by a switch and some electricity … a chandelier sparkles, shimmers, throws effervescent, dancing light on everyone who is nearby, making them feel uplifted, glad to be where they are, welcomed, and shiny. When you encounter someone in your path, imagine you are a chandelier, not a flashlight guiding them, but bestowing the glowing sparkling light that allows them to see themselves in ball gown, in pleasure, in joy, in love. Even if a car cuts across your way, or a person glowers at you, feel the light of a chandelier within yourself and allow that shimmering, sparkling light from hundreds of prisms to sparkle within and without and all around you. You thus protect yourself from hurt and harm, and you imbue your fellow human with the greatest possibility of all: hope in themselves