Happiness 1-13
after it’s all over; peering through a hedge of hazelnut; swept downstream by the blue water babies.
after it’s all over; peering through a hedge of hazelnut; swept downstream by the blue water babies.
soaring to the bridge; a January thaw; coming across a strange mound.
stained glass windows; watching the regatta from the hotel window; a seed looking up at the snow-covered earth.
serenity; pages in the illuminated manuscript mysteriously turning; time travel.
finding your way; quietly paddling the canoe so no one can hear; plumeria blossoms.
a magic island; drifting through the valley on a shadowy veil; a long talk with the cricket on the hearth.
spinning straw into gold; shadows in the valley; living with the gorillas.
rosemary blooming in winter; terraced gardens stepping down toward the lake; remembering last summer.
hiding the letter in your sleeve;
calm seas ahead;
the leopard dozing on the branch of a tree.
figuring ways to get on and off; watching the sandpipers; jangling bracelets.
thinking about swimming across; a belly laugh; the fragrance of snowdrops.
communicating well; the dancer stepping out from behind the palm trees; joy after sorrow.
where the key is hidden; following a trail of crumbs through the woods; riding backward on a donkey.
heading off on an adventure; bewitched; snow in summer.
out on the pier; Venus making a trail across the sky; the fox crossing the stream.
just in between; gazing into the crystal ball; seeing a face in the trunk of a tree.
frothing waves; the sound of tapping; accepting it.
coming to the edge; encountering a band of gypsies; a stillness inside.
serenity; dancing barefoot in the middle of the woods; the greatest smile.
getting the chimney ready; finding the lost emerald brooch; the sky coming to meet you.
the light coming back; uncovering the secret; finding the highest nest.
reminders in the sand; Brunelleschi’s Duomo in Florence; being gently persuaded.