Happiness 8-25
your ship coming in; stopping for a picnic by the side of the road; riding a white horse with great wings.
your ship coming in; stopping for a picnic by the side of the road; riding a white horse with great wings.
all day playing at the beach; enormous goldfish; questioning authority.
a hinge with magic nails; napping in the apple orchard; taking a different way.
figuring it out; trees of gold growing out of a strange earth; happenstance.
clouds in the glass; the conference of the birds; reading her face like a book.
almost finished; the dove in the lemon tree; a wild flight of fancy.
touching something soft; in the heart of summer; seven ravens at your door.
almost there; the wind in the sails of the clipper ship; opening a secret drawer and finding a treasure map.
what the woodpecker saw; draped in vermilion chiffon; the planet earth seen from Saturn.
rocky clouds; a message from the hawk; unbuttoning one button at a time.
a mysterious footprint in the sand; slow dancing in the afternoon; arriving in Timbuctoo.
enchanted by blue; lost in a story; remembering that night in the Grotte Alchemiche.
emerging from the cave into sunlight; stroking her ears; slowly turning over the cards.
sailing into a harbor seen for the first time; moonflowers opening at dusk; a small movement in the great still heat.
feeling luscious; the town silent in mid-afternoon; growing aware of it.
a great buzzing and humming; uncovering the past; a tall tower made of glass.
Meg Bertini of Goals Happen here is our featured guest on WriteSpa’s BlogTalkRadio Thurs, July 18, 6 pm ET.
quenching your thirst; light from a beacon; jumping into a painting.
reaching for the gold; an ancient, petrified pine cone; putting the last feather in the cap.
a pink edifice; encountering a flower fairy; a voice in your ear.
off for a ride; haunting a house just for fun; standing before the Magic Portal.