Happiness 6-3
a different way out; jumping into starlight; following the stream to its source.
a different way out; jumping into starlight; following the stream to its source.
the tree sparkling; waking up in a bower of yellow roses; a cleft in the rock.
sleeping flamingos; holding fast to his mane;walking through walls.
playing the game of hugs and kisses; the curve and the straight line; emblazoned.
being a responsible blade of grass; the visit to the miller; fiercely determined.
wondering where it went; the first seeds of wheat; homemade ice cream on a hot summer night.
clouds in the glass; breaking the urn; kissing the inside of her elbow.
the first time you tied your shoe laces; pausing on the plateau before climbing higher; a garden of amber.
protection; slowly turning around; jumping from cloud to cloud.
a windy dawn on the island; being the first one to dream the world into existence; waist-high in the waves.
seagull in fog; a trunk in the attic made of silver and lined with red velvet; joining hands.
baking a cherry pie; the dream of the big, black dog; a strange parting of the sky.
peering through; following the mysterious blue balloon through the alleys; the softness of dandelions.
becoming free of the net; a city of bicycles; three ravens sunbathing on the beach.
the sand beneath your feet turning to gold; dozing on top of the waves; a street of roses in the rain.
cleansing tears; a wild parrot landing on your shoulder; in the stillness of the middle of the night.
finding just the right place to dig; interpreting the signs; the first merman you ever saw.
palm trees whispering; placing your hand on the lion’s mane; floating up to the nearest star.
heading into the foothills; draped in pearls; joining the men sitting at the taverna.
stone stories; becoming the mountain; making a new wand.
uncovering the mosaic; a generous helping; the magpie oracle.
left behind; the tide coming in; captivated by the story late into the night.