Happiness 8-24
mulling it over;
seeing thrilling smoke signals;
tossing your hat into the ring.
mulling it over;
seeing thrilling smoke signals;
tossing your hat into the ring.
ready for tea;
high up on the mast;
the moon starting to bloom.
anticipation; sailing to Lesbos; being lowered into a cave of quartz crystal.
the long-awaited rendezvous; recognizing yourself as a blissful particle of energy and light; the book of changes.
buzzing across the field; an enormous present tied with a red bow; bright lights of the big city.
all day playing at the beach; enormous goldfish; questioning authority.
hundreds of sparkles; splashing in the stream; encountering the captain’s ghost in the lighthouse.
a cool breeze; finding it at Glastonbury; taking a leaf out of his book.
a different point of view; swimming against the current; entering the burrow.
almost finished; the dove in the lemon tree; a wild flight of fancy.
the queen of pentacles; being a sparkling, marble column; stirring the pot.
the first time you tied your shoe laces; pausing on the plateau before climbing higher; a garden of amber.
beads; the pink house at the end of the street; experiencing the sixth dimension.
the fragrance of eucalyptus; being a pine cone; studying the grimoire late into the night.
dreaming about a particular lady; reading her palm; licking the inside of the bowl.
a pile of radishes; twirling the batons; leaping like a giant over tree tops.
beware the thorns; waking up in your tent in the Tundra; being on the outside and looking in.
a twinkle in her sky; knowing just the right words to say; a slow movement.
rowing across the lake to a friend’s house for lunch; hundreds of shootings stars overhead; lying in each other’s arms in the grass.
lost in the sunshine; the rope bridge spanning the abyss; granting the wish.
the ram showing you the way out; sleeping in a hammock in the cloud forest; gasping for joy.
the mouth of the flower; transforming words into stories; being greeted with the phrase, “Hail, fellow, well met!”