Happiness 9-9
turning the sun into candy; the snake gliding though the tall grass; a mountain of marble and quartz.
turning the sun into candy; the snake gliding though the tall grass; a mountain of marble and quartz.
buzzing across the field; an enormous present tied with a red bow; bright lights of the big city.
a cool breeze; finding it at Glastonbury; taking a leaf out of his book.
a different point of view; swimming against the current; entering the burrow.
Light is like energy, and energy is what you need to pour into yourself so you can reshape your creative self in new ways. Now is an opportunity to channel your life energies from darkness into light.
sleeping upside down in a cave; encountering a pleasure-seeker; a crimson lake.
enchanted berries; zebras thundering past; looking up through the moist earth.
meeting up early in the morning; the spider coming to talk; the end of melancholy.
discovering the hidden valley; a single orchid on the table; knowing when to charge into the fray.
beware the thorns; waking up in your tent in the Tundra; being on the outside and looking in.
a twinkle in her sky; knowing just the right words to say; a slow movement.
rowing across the lake to a friend’s house for lunch; hundreds of shootings stars overhead; lying in each other’s arms in the grass.
lost in the sunshine; the rope bridge spanning the abyss; granting the wish.
the ram showing you the way out; sleeping in a hammock in the cloud forest; gasping for joy.
the mouth of the flower; transforming words into stories; being greeted with the phrase, “Hail, fellow, well met!”
gazing down on the city; in the pouch of the kangaroo; skipping stones.
seeking the answer to the mystery; a long, quiet afternoon; a friendly trickster.
purple; becoming a feather and learning to float; wild horses scraping the snow away in search of spring grass.
March 16, 2013
planning to meet by the windmill; waking up and finding your shoes filled with loose diamonds; the face of the cliff.
inventing the wheel; snow-soaked earth; getting into the boat without asking where it’s going.
dawn painting the sky yellow and pink over the desert; climbing into the balloon and lifting off; watching the osprey dive.
what lay hidden under ice; falling asleep with the windows wide open; playing the six chords on the guitar.