Happiness 9-27
the coyotes barking on the hill; keeping a steady pace; honoring the ancestors.
the coyotes barking on the hill; keeping a steady pace; honoring the ancestors.
entering through the spider web; joining links in a tiny gold chain; the heart of the matter.
your arms as long as moonbeams to hug someone far away; students; biking through the vineyards.
discovering a sage in the middle of the desert; eating six pomegranate seeds; nestled on the back of a sea eagle as it flies.
a talking spider; the fan fluttering; rainbows in the sand as the waves wash out.
a stairway made of opal; walking inside a painting; writing a poem all night long.
Barron Falls after the rainl; lying in a field of sage; encountering an alchemist from many centuries ago.
taking off the armor and setting it aside; the fox returning; heading for the mountain pass.
digging up an ancient blue vase; sheltering from the storm in a chapel on the hillside; finding balance.
cutting through the brambles surrounding the castle; unencumbered; a new frame.
There is more than one way to write about the concept of time.
kissing the handsome green toad; the moment before the curtain rises; soaring over Mount Perdu in the Pyrénées.
retreating to the desert; fresh coffee by the sea; a field of wild chrysanthemums.
starfish at your toes; being granted the peacock feather; talking late into the night.
the mist rising over the cornfields at dawn; fulfilling a promise; the last fireflies.
from flower to fruit; Yemena-goddess of the ocean; seven ravens landing on the fence.
Today I begin teaching a seminar on World Religions to 10th graders. I’ll begin by asking this question: What is religion?
a bright red dragonfly landing on the quince; rubbing the lamp; being eager for more.
the robe falling open in the dark; a crystal glowing from the inside; waiting for a long time and then seeing it happen.
a blue moon in Pisces; shadow puppets and fireflies; crossing the Tarn Valley on the Millau Bridge.
the statue lifting her hand and touching your shoulder; being offered the letter on a silver platter; digging.
There are all sorts of ways to make people laugh. Here are ten of them.