Happiness 8-10
floating on warmth, cloud, feather, and dream
floating on warmth, cloud, feather, and dream
being completely still while you keep growing
returning after a long time away.
taking things one step at a time
…and late in the afternoon discovering a baby in a basket in the river rushes
your surprise and delight when a friendly dolphin invites you in
encountering your self and asking some questions.
embracing it all.
finally knowing how to wrap your head around it
being in stillness at your own fane
longing to be lit … to bring even just a little more light
always knowing there is a different way to go
what it’s really like when you go inward
in the summer you see things differently
making the world just a little smaller and friendlier
moving toward even more stillness
knowing you’re deeply protected and wise
going inside for a different perspective.
twenty years later meeting on the same bridge.
wondering which mast is yours.
lying very still and feeling as cool as a cucumber
listening to a cactus conversation.