Hopes, wishes, and dreams
1-7-2021: Have you been taking stock of the coming year and yet still feel uncertain? Maybe it’s not time to begin yet.
1-7-2021: Have you been taking stock of the coming year and yet still feel uncertain? Maybe it’s not time to begin yet.
1-1-2021: Let yourself feel a powerful, dragon-like peace as you float into a future of courage, compassion, and hope.
12-24: In “A Christmas Carol” the injunction is utterly clear: Goodness and kindness is up to us, each one of us, and only us–not a Higher Power.
12-18: Trust is a supreme form of mindfulness.
12-10: We don’t have to be friends to be friendly–it still makes us feel better.
12-8: Media, merchandise, and our own insecurities feed our sense that there’s a right or wrong choice we can make—in something as small as buying the “right” present or as big as choosing a career.
12-3: find happiness through hygge and hugging.
11-26: Instead of hearing noise, listen to the degrees of silence all around you and within you.
11-23: There’s a third way to celebrate this season besides rejecting the advice to “stay home” or accepting it but feeling sad or angry about it. The third way is not a middle way, not a compromise, but a delightful, mind-expanding, heart-opening opportunity.
11-19: It makes us feel better to make others feel better.
11-16: Our jaw is an extraordinary gateway into our bodies. It’s strong, beautiful, and essential.
It’s not about choosing what you love—since that isn’t always possible—but loving what you choose.
11-2-2020: It might seem an unlikely time to think about the word fun on a dreary Monday morning at a crucial time in history and during a pandemic, but …
Ask yourself this: What would happen if you enjoyed yourself?
We tend to be goal-oriented, often wanting to arrive somewhere, but what happens when we get there?
How can we love ourselves unconditionally? Here’s a way you can try.
10-20: You don’t always have to show up so that others can see you. But don’t hide from yourself.
“People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass themselves by without wondering.” St Augustine
10-8: Relaxing is a vital aspect of growth, development, and well-being.
10-9: The healing power of pomegranate works especially well for us at this time of year, in the northern hemisphere, as we head into the darkening of the light.
I like to think of cypress trees as standing like sentinels over my heart, their deep blue-green holding me like no other color can.
10-1: We weigh, judge, feel screwed, feel like we got a bargain, or stand fiercely for fair trade and equality.