Happiness 7-27
almost there; the wind in the sails of the clipper ship; opening a secret drawer and finding a treasure map.
almost there; the wind in the sails of the clipper ship; opening a secret drawer and finding a treasure map.
what the woodpecker saw; draped in vermilion chiffon; the planet earth seen from Saturn.
WriteSpa’s sizzling summer chats on BlogTalkRadio continue on Thursday, July 25, at 6 pm ET with entrepreneur and social media expert Kathy DeCosmo of Katie Shea Design.
still hoping; a dry dusty road in summer rain; stepping out of the scallop shell.
a secret place to wait; anticipating the first note; summing it up.
rocky clouds; a message from the hawk; unbuttoning one button at a time.
a mysterious footprint in the sand; slow dancing in the afternoon; arriving in Timbuctoo.
enchanted by blue; lost in a story; remembering that night in the Grotte Alchemiche.
emerging from the cave into sunlight; stroking her ears; slowly turning over the cards.
This has been a good summer for fans of thriller author John Locke. He’s already published two novels and a third one was just released last week. But there’s also a lot happening on the international front.
a new beginning; being a twig floating downstream; peering out from the top of pouch.
sailing into a harbor seen for the first time; moonflowers opening at dusk; a small movement in the great still heat.
feeling luscious; the town silent in mid-afternoon; growing aware of it.
a great buzzing and humming; uncovering the past; a tall tower made of glass.
Meg Bertini of Goals Happen here is our featured guest on WriteSpa’s BlogTalkRadio Thurs, July 18, 6 pm ET.
quenching your thirst; light from a beacon; jumping into a painting.
reaching for the gold; an ancient, petrified pine cone; putting the last feather in the cap.
the heat of the city; fresh mint from the garden; a message from the red-tailed hawk.
Listen to internet radio with WriteSpa Oasis for Writers on BlogTalkRadio Tom’s been been working for years to come up with a way in which he can do two things: create a concept wherein everyone wins, and develop a career that he can own – one that suits him as much as it does anyone Read more about Tom Lowery on Spreading the Love[…]
Listen to internet radio with WriteSpa Oasis for Writers on Blog Talk Radio This week on WriteSpa’s weekly BlogTalkRadio show I feature the brilliant, funny, and sweet writer Claude Bouchard. Everyone knows Claude Bouchard, so he needs no introduction! He’s like the Pied Piper of readers and authors alike. He hails from Montreal, Canada, and Read more about Great Dialog – Part 2 – Winslow on BlogTalkRadio[…]
writing late into the evening; the sheaf of parchment; opening the trapdoor overhead.