March 3, 2014

Tarot Oasis

Tarot cards can be an extraordinary tool
for guidance, insight, clarity, and healing.

The tarot, a deck of 78 cards, is an ancient language of symbols and archetypes that is a powerful tool in revealing information about you and your life’s path. Carl Jung believed that the tarot consists of “archetypal ideas, which mingle with the ordinary constituents of the flow of the unconscious, and therefore it is applicable for an intuitive method that has the purpose of understanding the flow of life, possibly even predicting future events, at all events lending itself to the reading of the conditions of the present moment.”* Our subconscious mind responds intuitively to symbols and images, and clarifies on a deep level what we are truly feeling and experiencing, and helps to guide us into the future we want to manifest.

There is no ‘fate’ or ‘destiny’ in reading tarot cards. As a human being, you are 100% free to create any future you want. You can see the future only so far as it looks from where you are right now. You are free to change that future. This is empowered divination.

The symbolism and imagery allows you to access your innate inner wisdom so that you can find your answers to questions that arise about choices you need to make or situations you want insight into. True divination is not about fortune-telling; it’s about clarifying your situation so that you can find your own way with clarity and confidence.

[Please note: Winslow Eliot is not offering private consultations or classes at this time.]


Private Sessions

My mission is to welcome you, to enlighten and empower you, and to send you on your way feeling clearer, more confident, and more serene. You’ll discover that you are always free to choose your own path, and that nothing in the world of intuitive counseling is predictive or fated. It’s what I call empowered divination.

It’s a way to bring to your awareness what you truly want to do, or what you want to manifest, or where or how you want to move forward. Sometimes you need someone to guide or open you up to what you already know, deep in your own heart.

Tarot Workshops

If you are interested in exploring the tarot as a tool for self-knowledge, healing, and wisdom for yourself or helping others, I offer weekly workshops in upstate NY. Beginners, advanced, curious, and tarot lovers are all welcome.

We explore personal and group tarot readings and reach deeply into the images and symbolism of the tarot. Through practice, discussion, clairvoyance, and study, we find ways to know ourselves better and to be guided to a place of clarity and well-being. Each session is individually-and-group tailored. Suggested donation: $35 per session.

Here are some cards from the very first deck I made, when I was thirteen years old:

For more information, please contact me at 

*Excerpted from Visions: Notes of the Seminar given in 1930-1934 by C. G. Jung, edited by Claire Douglas. Vol. 2. (Princeton NJ, Princeton University Press, Bollingen Series XCIX, 1997), p. 923