The Love Letter

Write an old-fashioned love letter to your ideal lover (don’t have an actual person in mind – make someone up. Have fun with this one.) The letter doesn’t have to be long, but it needs to be full of feeling, longing, compliments, insights! Think of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s sonnet “How do I Love Thee?” but don’t make this a shopping list. Imbue the words with passion, not clichés. See a previous writing practice “Write a Letter” for the format to use, if you don’t know it.

When you’ve written this letter to your satisfaction, put it in an envelope, and seal it.
Then rewrite it in a modern-day email style and send it to yourself.

If you’re a twitter user, write it again in twitterese.

The purpose of this exercise is manifold – but most of all it’s this: We all have a muse who is perhaps our dearest friend, and we rarely actually address him or her. Here’s your opportunity.