Happiness 6-10

don’t wait for it – watch for it. 










***The energy that’s tapping you is around Presence. Be present for messages to arrive, for abundance, love, work, or whatever it is that your question or issue is concerning. Be alert, be at the bedside of life, watching the birth, not passively waiting for something to happen ‘to’ you. Your life is unfolding in dramatic ways, and it’s in the stillness that the unfoldment occurs – barely visible, like the last breath drawn from a dying friend being born into a new realm of consciousness, or the rose opening so very gradually and perfectly into its own potential. Watch for this; don’t wait for anything to be done, or completed, or perfected – waiting only saddens and burdens you. Instead, watch for the transformations, watch for the messages from angels, ancestors, descendants, elementals, and even friends far away! Watch for the blessings that come showering upon you – there is so very much going on in your life just now. Be like a night watchman – alert and watchful. Be like a sailor – noticing the change in the weather or the different shape of the wave.***