Stillness 5-15

live on the edge of things.


Do you feel you are living on the edge? Settle into feeling deeply where you truly are and what is really going on. Let all the troubles, worries, people, and tasks settle through you like silt settling through water so that you feel clearer. Breathe in stillness and breathe out the thoughts that are making you feel uneasy. Do this a few times. Now breathe into your roots … breathe all the way through the soles of your feet deep into the earth. The earth is solid, warm, firm, and loves you. Breathe deeper and feel yourself letting all your edginess be transmuted in her firm, loving warmth. Even tufts of grass that grow on the face of a cliff learn how to grow roots eventually. And when a tree feels it can only cling to wind and rock, it digs deeper to find its strength in reciprocal earth that lets it grow. Deepen your sense of being on the edge of things. You’re not falling—you’re going deeper.