Stillness 5-25

it’s bigger than you, so meet it and enjoy it.


In my line of work, people ask me frequently about destiny, fate, and their future. My response is an effort to open them to their world of longing, potential, manifestation, and co-creation. But sometimes we are swept on a course that feels as though it has very little to do with us. Falling in love can be like that, as can having to move far from home, or watching someone die. That’s when the power of surrender to our destiny can be as powerful and empowering as decision and action is at other times. Letting go of what we thought we wanted, and instead surrendering to an unmarked highway, may lead us to beautiful places we never dreamed of. Let your destiny take the lead for a while. When you release your preconceptions and assumptions of what your life should look like, the way becomes wide, clear, and you can rise up to meet it.