Stillness 6-11

you are about to turn the corner. 

The object of your inquiry has to do with wanting to see what’s ahead or ‘what’s around the corner.’ One of our innate human capacities is to be able to see our future. We manifest our desires and soul longings by picturing them. But sometimes we’ll go for long stretches of time feeling as though we’re getting nowhere. If we’ve been sick for a long time, for example, or working daily at a job that’s not fulfilling, we long to get past where we are and see what might be opening up ahead of us. Now is an auspicious time for you, for the road you’re on is coming upon broader and grander vistas. Sit up and take notice of all the potentials and possibilities that are opening up ahead. You’re heading for the same goal, but it’s taking a different turn and you’ll be coming at it from a different direction.