Stillness 6-9

when you’re puzzled – take a picture.

When I’m sorting through a lot of old stuff, whether it’s letters, memories, ideas, boxes, or bills, I sometimes come to a grinding halt with no sense of how to deal with something. Throw it out? Fill up my storage? Is this something to ponder or cry over or ignore? It’s as though a natural flow of taking care of business gets suddenly dammed up and I can’t go further. I’ve found that one way to get flowing again is by becoming still. To feel strongly in the present moment. To become aware of awareness. Then I take a picture of the issue at hand. If it’s a thought or worry, I take a mental picture. Then I let it go. I’ve found that taking a picture of something neutralizes it and creates a restful detachment. When we’re out on an exciting adventure or having a romantic time picnicking on a languid river it’s time to put the camera away. Taking a picture detaches us from the significance and resonance of the ‘now.’ But, when we’re in a dilemma, a camera—even a mental one—can be a great friend. It reminds us that the stuff we’re dealing with doesn’t necessarily belong to us but that we can take a picture so we won’t forget about it.