see into the future

We can all see the future—we do it every morning when we look at the day ahead of us or plan for next year’s summer vacation. The future does not exist until it’s manifested, and then, in the twinkling of an eye, it becomes the present. Until it becomes the present, it’s limitless potential, born from imagination, longing, and what’s gone before. Sometimes when people want me to see their future, I feel as though I’m a sailor clambering up ropes to the crow’s nest and peering north, south, east, and west to view what lies ahead. What are the clouds doing? What do the currents look like? Could those white waves indicate reefs? If so, what does this person need to do to get safely through the shoals? What kind of land is that up ahead… an island? A city? From this expanded view of the horizon, we can explore vast possibilities for their journey through life and help them to see where they’d like to sail, land, explore, or settle. Want to see the future more clearly? Climb higher—you’ll see even farther.