Stillness 7-13

do you feel you’re a nail or a hammer?

Sometimes I feel I’m the nail, being hammered and coerced and forced into my place in the world. Other times I’m hammering away at life—especially at my typewriter when I write. Probably all of us, at different times, feel as though we’re sometimes the doer and other times the done-to. But recently I’ve been feeling that neither of these two ideas are true—especially not when we experience life from a place of stillness. There’s no room for dualism (either-or) or even for one-ness when we’re being still. In stillness we become more than we can imagine. We become the motion, and we become the object being created. And we become the sound, and the intention, and everything around us. We are even the idea of what the hammer and nail are creating. We are potential. We are all of it.