Be awake before dawn

The moment ‘just before’ anything can be the sweetest in our lives. Preparation and anticipation is where we exist most fully, even more than the present moment. It’s what helps us to focus on and manifest our experience. We tend to rush through this stage, or to be anxious about it. Whether it’s planning an adventure, or a party, or looking forward to meeting a friend, it’s wonderful to fully experience the ‘just before’ parts of our life. One of my most mysterious memories is from when I was five years old and living in Greece. I was woken by the sound of beautiful music even though it was pitch dark out. Mary, the woman who took care of us while my parents were away, slept in the room across the hall. I woke my brother and we went into her room to ask her about the music I’d heard. Without turning on any lights, she led us to the open window and told us to look outside. “Is it a parade?” we asked. “Yes,” she replied. “Watch.” Puzzled, we hung at the window, gazing out at the black outlines of pine trees and the dark mountain behind our house. Where were the floats and balloons and bands playing music, the way we’d seen in New York City? Instead the most miraculous thing happened: the whole world gradually came to life. The ‘music’ that had woken me may have been Mary’s alarm clock, but it was a shadow compared to the birdsong that intensified as the sky grew light. The changing pink and gold of the sky was unlike anything that can be described. Talk about a parade! I’ll never forget it. In the summer it’s much easier to wake early and witness the dawn. As we near the time of equal length of days and nights, it gets more challenging, even though it happens later. For the first month after the equinox I make it a point to wake up before the sun rises. For me, it sets a mood for the coming months of increasing darkness. You might like to try it too—the practice increases your energy, lifts your spirit, and reminds you of the joy of anticipation.