Feel your own magic

You might think that magic is a kind of energy that comes from outside you. A miraculous cure, for example. Or maybe you’ve had an experience of telepathy but think it was probably coincidence. Or you felt a sign from someone who’s died, but wondered whether it was really so. Or you were amazed by a perfect fairy ring of mushrooms in your backyard. Or a double rainbow appears when you are at the end of your rope. All these things can be called ‘magic,’ because magic has its own intrinsic energy and it belongs to all of us. Way back in ancient Persia, magicians or “magos” were the elite priestly class. They were the astrologers, shamans, dream interpreters, and intuitives who would guide the tribe toward safety or food, or help a leader understand their role, or show an individual the wisdom of their soul destiny. Things changed with the onset of organized religion, and the priests became less intuitive and more powerful. We became afraid of our own power, because if it interfered with theirs we could lose everything—even our life. But that’s not the case any longer. We live in an era of extraordinary respect for each other. We know the value of every single human being and accord them the right to follow their path, however different from our own. The root of the word magic is ‘magh,’ which means ‘to be able’ and ‘to have power.’ Each one of us can wave a magic wand and create the path we want to take, not just trudge along the one that our forebears took. Nowadays, we are all magicians. We are intuitive, powerful individuals who can forge our destiny in freedom and compassion. Live your complete magical self—you can create and manifest and sparkle simply by knowing that you can.