It’s good to dive in and through

When we take that great leap of faith into the unknown, we feel the sensation of flying. It’s the sensation of freedom. It’s a huge relief. Yes, we’re going to plunge into the sea of discovery and love, and emerge again, with our hearts whole and exuberant. Feel the dolphin inside you—the creative soul that demands you live in balance and harmony. Dolphins remind us that when we get too serious, it’s time to play. If we get too caught up in a project, set it aside for a while so that we can see it more objectively. Experience life in the friendly sunlight and then plunge into your depths and freely express your longings and vibrant creativity. Feel the transformation and love that your dolphin represents. Balance your energies: yin and yang, inner and outer, night and day. Dive in with your whole heart and then emerge with a laughing, playful splash, over and over.