Just because you can’t see it

Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Don’t always only trust your five primary senses to be sure of something. There’s a whole world you can experience with your clairvoyant self. Sometimes people tell me a loved one has died and they’ve never seen them although they are always looking. I tell them it is very rare that one would literally see someone who’s died. But we do sense them, see them in our mind’s eye, hear their voice in our inner ear, or know in a deep way that they are near. Same with angels, fairies, or seeing the future, telepathic communication, and much more. There’s a grand, rich, colorful, much clearer world that exists beyond the realm of our limiting five physical senses: it’s our thrilling metaphysical world. It’s the world we experience clairvoyantly. Our metaphysical senses help us to communicate in very interesting ways, they empower us, show us how to enjoy and feel things more richly. They deepen our experience of being alive. You can develop them, play with them, and learn from them simply by trusting them.