Nothing limits you

Look around you. Get a new perspective on things. How many times have you gone after something you thought you really wanted and then realized it wasn’t that, after all. Sometimes we need to persevere, but sometimes we need to see things differently. Maybe it’s time to change your mind. Maybe what happened isn’t wrong or awful, but simply not in your best interest. Let it go. Free yourself from what you thought things should look like. Take some deep, lightening breaths. Feel the relief of floating high up, climbing high above the fray of commitments and expectations, Go further than your initial goals and longings. Imagine expanding without boundaries or exclusions. Grow beyond certainty. Even the sky is not the limit. The word ‘limit’ has the same root as ‘limen,’ which means ‘threshold.’  Don’t just wait there. Step through liminality and you’ll see things differently.