Stillness replenishes your flow

Our lives are an outpouring of energy–whether in the form of daily tasks, compassion, friendly engagements, maneuvering through a traffic jam, or giving advice. It’s no wonder we are tired, dried up, exhausted. How do we replenish? Currently, the buzz phrases are “self-care” and “me-time,” which are fine, but who has time for me-time? Many people I know schedule it weeks in advance and have to pay heavily to get away from daily stresses. But stillness can be experienced all the time. Stillness permeates our sense of well-being even when we’re trying to meet a deadline or run a marathon. Stillness goes beyond the dualistic concept that either we’re expending our energy or we’re replenishing ourselves. In stillness, accomplishing a busy task is not separate from our feelings about it and our intention in accomplishing it. In stillness, what we do and think becomes who we are. When we approach anything with awareness, mindfulness, and love, it becomes its own replenishment. Don’t make self-care a special time, like a massage or a holiday. Self-care is care. We replenish ourselves by replenishing others. When we’re happy, we allow others to be happy. We live in an energy of reciprocity. When we are consciously calm and loving in all our deeds and words, we are caring for ourselves, for others, and for our beautiful planet earth. Let your stillness flow into every aspect of your life and you’ll discover you are already plenished.