We always have angels

Angels exist in a realm of pure, positive energy that vibrates at a much higher frequency than we do. That is why we don’t often experience them with our five physical senses. But we can always experience them with our metaphysical senses, if we allow ourselves to. We sense them by the flow of peacefulness that pours through us, making us feel like a serene sparkling fountain. We sense them when we feel a flood of love washing over us that we know not from whence or why. We sense them as sublime comfort. There are many, many kinds of angels. For example, we all have our own guardian angels who are always at our side. There are also powerful archangels who we can call on when we need to. There are angels for every breath, every home, every drop of rain. One thing I’ve discovered is that angels love people! They want to share in our joys and sorrows, to support or guide or comfort, but they don’t interfere with human free will. That means it’s easy to distance ourselves from their energy and think that it’s not nearby. Don’t wait till you’re suffering to ask for comfort or guidance—do it now. Do it all the time. Talk to them while you’re driving your car, taking a walk, or before you go to sleep. Tell them what you’re up to and what you’re wondering about. Become consciously aware of their presence. Create a relationship with your angels. Invite them in. You’ll be glad you did—and so will they.