Discern what’s needed

On this lovely eleventh day of our eleventh month, take a moment to take stock of what you really want to take with you into the next stage of your journey. Are you carrying worn-out desires and expectations that weigh you down, like a way-too-heavy coat on a hot summer day? Are you holding onto regrets or trinkets from the past that you ought to let go of? Have you outgrown a habit? Have you worn through shoes that were meant for a different journey than the one you’re on now? Ask yourself: Is this thought one that I’d like to attach to? Think of it like sticky tape on your shirt. Pull it off if it doesn’t seem appropriate or helpful. Say a fond and grateful farewell to what you no longer need. Now you’ll be able to discern what it is that you really want to have with you. What would you like to cherish? What will help you thrive and enjoy your life as it ripens and deepens? Discernment is a tremendously empowering life skill. Only take with you what serves you now … don’t attach to stuff that’s done with. Be discerning even with your friends and the tasks you set yourself. Then you can move through this 11-11 portal with lightness and grace, knowing that what you bring is also who you become. Then you enter freely into your grand year ahead.