Make some grazing time


The sun has moved into the constellation of Capricorn, the valiant mountain goat. The ancient Babylonians represented Capricorn as a goat-fish—half-goat and half-fish. The Ancient Greeks named the constellation after Amalthea, the goat that suckled baby Zeus. (It was Amalthea’s horn that later transformed into what we call the “horn of plenty” or a cornucopia). The Greeks also tell a delightful myth about the sea-goat Pricus, whose children kept wanting to live on land instead of in the sea (they could do both and either, but as sea creatures they had special powers which they lost when they lived on land). In spite of his many attempts to change the course of his children’s destiny, eventually Pricus was the only sea-goat left in the world and in his loneliness he begged Chronos to let him die. Instead, he was turned into a constellation so that he could watch his beloved children playing on the mountain tops. Capricorn is also known as the god Pan, who is half-goat, half-human. We all have a bit of the mountain goat in us. We strive to do better. To do more. We see a ledge across the abyss and we’re determined to reach it. We relish cliffs, perseverance, achievements, honors. Welcome to Capricorn time of the year. This is when we can accomplish more than we ever dreamed. The great heights we aspire to are within our reach. Set goals, be determined, create an agenda. Practice leaping, utterly steady on your feet. You will get the award! Travel light. Also, remember to find time to swim and to graze.