Sweep it away

Brooms have an ancient connection with New Year’s Eve. The ritual of clearing sacred space (your home) to let in good fortune and happiness makes good sense. There’s a particularly marvelous energy to sweeping: it clears away debris that’s in your way but in a beautifully rhythmic and controlled way so that the bits and pieces don’t go flying into your face and eyes. Try using that same motion to sweep away irksome thoughts or feelings that you dropped on the floor long ago, swept under a rug, and forgot to uncover. Sometimes these linger with your hardly being aware of them, but when you sweep them up and toss them out you feel freer and lighter. And it’s not only negative thoughts and emotions that you can sweep up! Delve into extra-dark corners and you might uncover a gold coin or an old love-letter. Sweep away the trash but see what’s hidden in it too—you might be surprised at what you find.