Choose a good table

I’ve been thinking a lot about discernment and the loveliness of that word. It implies intelligence, and yet has grace and feeling. It suggests care and clarity. Sincere interest and understanding. When we sift through information, we’re distinguishing one thing from another. When we walk into a restaurant, we look around and check out our choices. Window table? Closer to the fire in the hearth? When we meet someone new, we’re actively comparing, analyzing, and figuring out what they’re like. Our brains are wonderfully skilled at this process. Discernment makes us feel alive and smart. Our intuition is equally at work and having fun. We need to trust that too—it’s an essential aspect to how we make our way in the world. Sometimes we have to trust our instinct even more than our logic about the best place to sit, or which book to read, or who to call. Our logical brain don’t always know best, even if it thinks it does. Choosing wisely is about choosing what you love. Discern that, and go for it.