Try to see through it

You can see more clearly than you think you can! Sometimes when we’re super-busy or overly-tired we forget how sensitive and aware we are as human beings. We draw a thick cloak around us for protection, keep our heads down so we can focus on what has to be done, and trudge ahead. But opening our eyes wide, pricking up our ears alertly, touching something soft … these are all ways to become sensitive to our world and to each other again. We do this by recognizing that our outer senses are deeply connected to our inner ones. We are all clairvoyant (clear-seeing)! We are all clairaudient (clear-hearing) and clairsentient (clear-feeling)! We can clearly see the direction we need to go in for a future we want to manifest. We can clearly hear a voice in our mind’s ear instructing us to say something or do something.  We all get those peculiar flutters or a gut feeling at one time or another. Practice being more clear—you’ll feel lighter and more confident. Here’s a way: Gaze at a crystal in your hand, focusing on all its attributes, color, texture. Then close your eyes and imagine the crystal in as much detail as possible. Do this a few times. This is a great way to activate your organ of perception. You’re developing your insight. Try it with other objects, like a tarot card or a photograph. The more you practice this, the more you activate the skill of seeing with your mind’s eye. You’ll be able to see clearly in the dark. You’ll see into the within of the within.