What’s the best way to tell them?

Is there something you feel you have to say to someone? Do you want to get something off your chest or are you wanting to share information you’ve heard? Are you concerned that you might hurt someone’s feelings or that you’re betraying something confidential? There’s a very simple way to go about imparting any communication: Ask yourself, first of all, whether what you want to say is really true. If you’re not sure, be silent. If it is true, then ask yourself whether speaking that truth would be helpful either to you or to the other person—is the communication absolutely necessary? If your answer is no, shift your energy to something else, either to do together or by yourself. Words are sacred and powerful and you don’t want to waste them or use them carelessly. If your answer is yes, then you can be assured that when you communicate with kindness and love, that’s how the communication will be received.