Feel your readiness

If you were a conscious fruit, you’d know when you were ripe. Being ripe is that delicious moment when you’re at the height of readiness. You’re juicy, plump, and if you’re not picked now, in another day or two and you might fall to the ground and go to seed. If you were a large sailing vessel, you would know the moment that the tide turns and takes you out to sea and into your next adventure. Don’t just wait for the tide: Get ready. Be a part of the process. Witness the change to come. Watch and prepare with your whole heart. It’s a thrilling time. It’s the sound of a sailor’s shout and a rope being tossed from the dock onto the deck. It’s the excited chatter of birds building their nests in spring. It’s watching the rose unfurl in all its stages. It’s getting a sense of your own rhythm—getting in tune with your heart. Be as sensitive as you can to smells, tastes, and sounds all around. Develop all your senses. Attune to them. Prepare by listening to your heart. “I shall wait here until I know,” said the Buddha. He prepared for enlightenment, and when he knew, he knew. Timing is everything. Ripeness is all. When you prepare, you absolutely know when you’re ready.