Thirsty for color

Did you know that color is not inherent in the things around us? Objects reflect some colors and absorb others, but the light receptors in our eyes pick up only the reflected ones. Our light receptors send messages to our brain, which then intelligently colorizes the object for us. However, if we look at, say, a flower clairvoyantly, we perceive not only the reflected colors but the colors that the flower has absorbed as well, and perhaps even the colors that are inherently part of its nature (that don’t exist in our physical world but do in our metaphysical world). Clairvoyance is seeing not only with our light receptors and neurons, but with our mind’s eye. In the heart of winter, here in the northeast, when my eyes strain through the bleak landscapes and leaden skies for lively hues and vibrant warmth, I can see colors more clearly with my eyes closed. I can see bubbling yellows and passionate reds and deep violets and that cheer me immeasurably. If you want to activate and deepen your clairvoyance, meditate on a flower or something colorful. Notice all its aspects—texture, hue, the feeling it gives you. Then close your eyes and see it in your mind’s eye. Again, examine its texture, hue, and the feeling it gives you. Open your eyes and see if you missed anything. Do it again. Practice is the key for getting better at anything in life, and practicing being clairvoyant through color is no different. What’s great about this practice is that, as you get better at seeing colors metaphysically and imaginatively, you’ll have a richer experience of them physically, in ‘reality’, as well.