You are remarkable

My mother rarely cooked anything without putting a bay leaf in it. She loved its sunshiny flavor, especially when she wanted to be reminded of her beloved Mediterranean travels. But bay leaves are more than just tasty—they have wonderful healing properties. Bay laurel has bactericidal, fungicidal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Its essential oil can be used to ease muscle aches and pains. When we were young, my mother would crush a leaf in olive oil and rub it on our bruises or bug bites. Bay, or laurus nobilis, is named after the nymph Daphne, who was changed into a bay laurel tree to save her from Apollo, the sun-god, who was pestering her with his amorous designs. Thus, in magical lore, the bay is used for protection and clearing. The Delphic oracle chewed the leaves and inhaled the smoke from burning bay to aid her prophecies, so it’s also associated with clairvoyance. Mostly, however, we associate the bay laurel with triumph, success, and glory. We still use phrases like “to rest on our laurels” when we’ve accomplished something good. I was thinking about bay leaves today partly because I’m missing sunshine so very much but also because I was thinking over the past year and remembering how much we all accomplished. We came through so much. We grew and loved and thought so many thoughts and felt so many feelings. We were so brave. Take the time to honor your accomplishments rather than thinking about all the things yet to be done. Every step you take, every word you speak, every breath is remarkable. You are remarkable.