Slow it way down

February feels like the longest and the shortest month. Is it almost spring? Or are we still buried in the heart of winter? What do I need to accomplish? Have I set enough intentions? Have I stuck to my new year’s resolutions, which I set not all that long ago, but which now seem as though they were from several years ago? Not only is it still February, but Mercury is in retrograde. Mercury in retrograde reminds us to slow down, to take stock of the situation. To revisit, review, and renew ourselves. To let go of what’s not working and recommit to what is. People may moan and groan about our planet of communication being in retrograde, but it’s one of the loveliest times of the year if we flow with it rather than fight it. It reminds to be mindful. We asked to be attentive–to our feelings, our signature, our communications. There’s a lot of Piscean energy going on right now as well: the sun moving into Pisces, a new moon in Pisces, and Neptune, ruler of the Great Fish, is also in its own constellation of Pisces. So if you’re feeling things extra deeply but can’t explain why, just let it be that way. A fog is only confusing if you’re trying to get somewhere and can’t see your way. But if you’re standing on the deck and listening to the tides and the waves and the birds, it’s just part of your being. Or try curling up in your windowseat with a blanket, a cup of a tea, and a good book–then the fog is friendly and cozy. Find your own way into the pleasure of slowing down and gentle retreat.