Take your shoes off

A friend and I used to walk barefoot to the edge of a stream and dip our feet at least once a month throughout the year, no matter what the temperature. Sometimes we even had to break through the ice to get to water, but the feeling that pulsed through us when we did so was always energizing and exhilarating. Whenever you can, try making contact directly with the earth beneath your feet. There are so many benefits! The earth absorbs negativity and neutralizes it, so if you’re feeling gloomy or depressed this practice can be incredibly helpful. It helps you to feel protected if your mind-chatter has overwhelmed you with insecurities. Walking barefoot can help to overcome jet-lag after traveling. Standing or walking with bare feet is a wonderfully grounding meditation. The earth loves you dearly, and will connect with you tenderly, from the ground up. Stand very still, and feel your own roots pouring into the earth in a steady stream of strength and love. You’re so connected. You’re so beloved. You know you always have what you need. You’re completely safe and secure. You’re here, now. Be here, now.