Wait for the tide

Be patient. There’s no rush, really. When we synchronize ourselves in accordance with seasons, readiness, intuition, and life, we sail through our days with far less strain and exhaustion. Unless it’s an emergency, don’t head outside during a blizzard. Don’t try to plant a rose bush in the hard ground of winter. Don’t set sail when a strong tide is ebbing. Life asks us to be patient. We like to be in control, but letting go of control usually turns out to be much more empowering than struggle. Focus on your solar plexus, feel very grounded in that sun-gold center, and realize you’re at the still center of your universe. That’s where your real power rests–and beams out in warmth, wisdom, and joy, no matter how long it takes. Patience is really about synchronicity. Let the tide turn before you set out to sea. You’ll find there’s less strain and far more happiness.