Watch it very closely

I’m usually an advocate of seeing the big picture—it helps us keep things in perspective. Imagining the whole gestalt helps us understand the broader meaning of a situation. Lifting up and soaring over something helps us to breathe. But there are times when attention to detail is just as healing and even inspiring. We can become drawn into the pleasurable focus of sewing on a button or exploring the intricacy and beauty of a single wildflower. It’s a different way of meditating. One of my favorite ways is to spend a few hours cleaning and rearranging my extensive collection of crystals. I use only a few of them regularly, so I’m always delighted and excited when I reconnect with one that I haven’t held in a while. When I emerge from the detailed task I’ve set myself, I feel clearer, lighter, and more energized. Sometimes just taking things one day at a time, one step at a time, one crystal at a time is the best way.