Be your direction

Did you know that dogs do their business with their bodies pointed on a north-south axis? I learned this recently, and, researching further, I discovered that dogs—and indeed many of our fellow-creatures—are super-sensitive to our planet’s magnetic fields. Imagine the earth as a giant bar magnet, hanging in space, slightly tilted. Even humans have an iron mineral in our brains, so naturally we are all connected to that magnet. It’s part of our experience of being human, just as food and water is. Biophysicists like Joe Kirschvink and other scientists are still trying to determine in what ways humans are sensitive, even if unconsciously, to this magnetic field. How does it affect our behavior and moods? Could this be a factor in our experience of a “sixth sense,” like clairvoyance? Could it explain the significance of ley lines? Science is wonderful, but actually it’s simply catching up with ancient wisdom! Scientists are trying to understand the “why” of practices that ancient metaphysicians have known for thousands of years. Take feng shui, for example. Based on an ancient Chinese geomancy, feng shui uses the flow of energy to harmonize a living space with its environment. For instance, did you know that you’ll sleep better if your bed is on a north-south axis? And, yes, in feng shui your toilet ideally does need to be placed on a north-south axis. So we can learn a lot from our canine friends and from Ancient Chinese wisdom. Yes, we can be curious about how science eventually shows us why this is so. But you don’t have to wait for science to prove that it is so: instead simply observe for yourself. Be your own scientist. This is what we know to be true: we are all connected to the cells in our bodies, to each other, and to the earth. We are inextricably linked in many ways, including through our shared awareness of the earth’s magnetic field. Find your center through turning slowly, like a dog does before going to sleep. Learn to become aware of your own awareness of your place on the earth. When you feel that centeredness and peace that comes when you’re fully aligned, grow still and become the still center itself. That is your direction.