Take the long view

I was playing with my lenormand oracle cards recently (a different form of divination than tarot cards) and the Tower showed up prominently. The Tower in lenormand speaks of boundaries, authority, government, isolation, loneliness, protection, solitude, retreat, and things like that. For me, it meant to heed what was going on in the world and retreat from various commitments I’d made. When we look up at a tower from the ground, we feel small and insignificant. But when we look around at our world from the top of the tower, we create distance from the issue at hand. We can see the long view—the big picture. The key to managing the onslaught of information with which we’re being inundated is not to ignore it nor to grow frantic. It’s to do what we can to protect ourselves and our communities. To be sensible rather than confused. To err on the side of caution rather than trying to meet our obligations or follow our desires. To climb to the top of the Tower and feel the open stillness of the sky, rather than the unguarded turmoil we might feel from the ground. Around us there’s a wide expanse and a bright future. It’ll happen more quickly if we use our inward Tower for protection, if we use our inward Tower to rise above the situation.