Communicate through your heart

4-23: One thing I’ve learned from studying and practicing mediumship is that people who have died don’t communicate the same way we do here. Their language is different. For example, they don’t use nouns—they use verbs. This is because they live in movement and light, not attachment and density like we do. Also, the questions we ask them actually may be theirs, not ours. In order for us to understand them and for them to understand us, we need to converse using the language of the heart. Our heart is always the center from which communication truly happens. It’s our greatest phone system. It enables us to communicate with animals, plants, elementals, and angels, all of whom have their unique languages, just as people from different countries do. It enables us to communicate with each other. When we communicate through our heart with any sentient being, we can understand them and we can be understood as well. It has to do with listening with a loving ear and speaking with a cosmic tongue—which is Love.