Raise your vibration

Yesterday, I went out on two brief errands: dropping my car at the local garage for snow tire removal (finally) and a few necessary groceries. At the garage, I had a strong sense of friendliness, grace, and ease in the atmosphere around the place. But when I went into the grocery store, I immediately felt uncomfortable and tense. The stress and bewilderment was palpable. I left as a soon as I could.

When I say ‘palpable’, I mean that I could sense the different vibrations of the two places in my body. We all can sense this, although we may not always be conscious of that sense. But now it’s all so quiet, it’s easier for us to attune ourselves to the vibrations around.

I was reading an article about how now, in the time of Covid-19, seismologists are able to pick up earth’s vibrations more easily since there’s less noise coming from all over the planet. Hardly anyone’s stomping on sidewalks in our big cities. Cars, trains, planes have gone quiet. Because of the stillness, the entire Earth’s upper crust is literally moving less than it did. Our oceans are quieter too, as massive and too-many cruise ships find places to dock, and that means stress hormones in whales and other sea creatures are returning to normal. It is amazing to think of how much excess noise we humans make all around the globe! In this time of big, big quiet—planetary quiet—let’s listen to sound beyond sound, and see if we can actually hear harmony and friendly peacefulness. Let’s also realize we can create healing, loving vibrations wherever we are.