Be the center

Stillness 5-18: When we feel off-kilter, it helps to find our center. It helps to come at the situation, or sit with it, from a place of quiet, neutral, and centered “I am.” Don’t think it’s arrogant or egotistical to do so—the opposite is true. It’s the greatest humility there is. It means you don’t try to solve a problem that’s isn’t your business to solve. It means you don’t make assumptions or have expectations. You don’t try to feed pigeons that aren’t there. When you settle and embrace your own center, your I am, you allow everyone else to be their own I am. You don’t get sucked into their orbit, wishing they were different or things would change. You flow only in your own gravitational field, and you generously and kindly take care of the meteors, debris, and cosmos in ways that only you can.

What’s the best way to feel centered? It’s through focusing on your solar plexus. This is the energy center that is the least sparkling in most people. It’s the most vulnerable and least understood.  If you’re feelings are hurt or you’re feeling invisible, afraid, or in love, that’s where the pain lives. If you’re punched in your solar plexus hard enough, you can die. But if you strengthen it, it becomes your greatest strength. Place your hand over your solar plexus. Take a few deep breaths. Imagine the spinning disc of energy and light circling in a yummy yellow-gold glow. Really try to visualize it. As you do so, you may sense it being small and dusty or heavy and dark. Keep breathing into it and imagine that yellow-gold color and light imbuing your solar plexus, the center of your energy field, expanding and radiating out in great waves of wisdom, power, and joy.