Be the guardian

5-7: Stand guard over what you care for. You don’t always have to seek something, much less attack it! But if it matters to you, you do need to protect it. A guard stands firm, maintains what can be maintained, preserves what must be preserved. A guard is responsible for whatever assignation they’ve been given.

Every one one of us is a guard—we’ve been assigned to look after our lives, our destinies, our friends and families, our work, our passions. We need to protect what we’re responsible for, and we’re responsible for ourselves, each other, and our planet. Instead of outrage and helplessness, we must take responsibility for what we can do. We must guard what matters most to each one of us, whether it’s beauty, a vital cause, clouds, a child, or a fragrant bath.

Through consciously taking care of ourselves and each other in these totally unprecedented ways (by staying apart), we’re learning about much more than viruses—we’re learning we are integral to each other and to the world. We are all guardians on many levels and our responsibility is the ultimate one: it’s a matter of life and death. But don’t go crazy over the seriousness of it all, despite what you’re reading and hearing. We can only do what we can do.

So, protect what you can protect. Be a friend in ways that are possible and let go of those that aren’t. Make a difference in politics on local levels instead of trying to wrap your head around national and international intrigue and despair. You make a difference each time you choose where to shop, who to call, how kind you are. You make a difference by letting a single rare wildflower grow and seed. You are always a sentry of love.