Come to the edge

Stillness 5-15: The edge of anything often seems scary. When we push at boundaries that keep us contained and comfortable it can be unnerving, even distressing. When we get too close to the unseen or the unknown, it can be terrifying.

Yes, being on the edge makes us feel on edge. We get worried, anxious, and stressed. But sometimes we have to go to the edge because of something we hold to be important or dear. Or we go to the edge because we’re drawn by a longing to explore and go beyond what we know. Sometimes the world itself requires us to push beyond what we trust, just as a child or a seed pushes out beyond their peripheries to grow and grow. It may not always be comfortable, but it’s life.

So, what if we approached our edge from the other side? What if we remembered we are limitless beings, and that we have no boundaries? We aren’t coloring-book characters that need to be filled in: we are watery messes of color and splashes and spilling over!

If you’re having to face something you’ve never encountered before, come at it from the other side of the edge that you think is there. Imagine yourself already beyond that point. Imagine yourself flying toward it instead of falling off it. Imagine yourself to be the edge of a sword in the sky, slashing through air. Or the tip of a dripping paintbrush, soaked with blues and yellows and reds. Because that is who you really are: the creator of your life. Create wild strokes of freedom and curiosity, dissolving all the edges and illusory chasms and abysses of doubt and fear— and instead marvel at the freedom you feel when you discover you can fly.